A Week of Using Climate and Sustainability Apps

Background Despite the ever-present nature of cell phones in our lives (and the associated apps we rely on), most people don’t think of their cell phones as a tool to take meaningful climate action. After all, there is an increasing awareness of the importance of community action and interpersonal communication about climate change, so how…

The University Record: New swap shop aids U-M researchers, sustainability goals

This article was originally posted on The University Record by Caitlin Jacobs on June 11, 2024. A new Lab Swap Shop will allow University of Michigan researchers to browse for free, pre-owned laboratory equipment while supporting the university’s waste-reduction goals. The shop, housed in Room 5004 of the 1100 North University Building, opened June 6. More…

The Michigan Daily: LSA names 2024 as “Year of Sustainability”

This article was originally posted to The Michigan Daily by Andrew Baum on November 12, 2023. LSA Dean Anne Curzan announced in an email to the LSA community on Oct. 30 that the 2024 calendar year would be named the “Year of Sustainability” to support the University of Michigan’s role in envisioning campus climate practices. The Year…

The Michigan Daily: Office of Campus Sustainability hosts lunch-and-learn to teach the rules of composting

This article was originally posted on The Michigan Daily by Evangeline Doolittle on April 3, 2024. The Office of Campus Sustainability held a lunch-and-learn Wednesday afternoon as part of the LSA 2024 Year of Sustainability. During the event, Nicole Berg, program manager of the Office of Campus Sustainability, discussed the different means of recycling on campus and the details of what…

Introducing the Year of Sustainability!

Throughout 2024, the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts will embark on a Year of Sustainability, to serve as a launching pad for many years of a Sustainable LSA to come.  In the year we will continue to collectively evaluate current and future actions in our teaching, college culture, research, operations, facilities, and more…

Where Did the Year of Sustainability Start?

We sat down with Anne McNeil and Nate Sanders, the two professors who are leading the charge for the Year of Sustainability. Were you connected before the Carbon Neutrality Task Force? Former Associate Dean, Chris Poulsen, identified people within the college (LSA) who were interested in the topic of carbon neutrality which included students, faculty,…