Introducing the Year of Sustainability!

Throughout 2024, the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts will embark on a Year of Sustainability, to serve as a launching pad for many years of a Sustainable LSA to come.  In the year we will continue to collectively evaluate current and future actions in our teaching, college culture, research, operations, facilities, and more to advance University and College-level sustainability and carbon neutrality goals.  

A Bit Of Background…

The idea of the Year of Sustainability stemmed from the LSA Carbon Neutrality Task Force which was convened by Former Associate Dean Chris Poulsen from 2021 to 2022.  Students, staff, and faculty were a part of three committees (Research and Education, Scope 3 Emissions, and Facilities and Operations) and made nine key recommendations to LSA Leadership which are all currently under review and consideration.  You can read more about the Task Force recommendations on our Impact page and learn more about the Faculty leadership and their role in starting the Year of Sustainability on our News and Media Page.  

Photo By: Corey Seeman, Squirrel on Tappan Hall. Enter the Year of Sustainability Photo Contest, to have your photo featured like this one!

Ways To Get Involved

Incentives and Innovations Fund

Do you have a project in mind that can help U-M and LSA meet their carbon neutrality goals or improve sustainability awareness and practices on campus?  Apply to our Innovations Fund, with a chance to bring your ideas to life with funding up to $25K.  This fund type is open to all LSA departments, units, staff members, student groups, and faculty members.  Do you have an idea of how to reduce your carbon, water, or material footprint in your operations, teaching, or research?  Apply to our Incentives Fund, where you can request up to $25K for your project.  This fund type is specific to LSA departments and units.

Sustainability Champions Program

Are you a graduate student, faculty, or staff member wanting to get more involved with sustainability in LSA?  Join our Sustainability Champions program to serve as the point contact in your unit for sustainability questions, participate in development and training events, and help set a vision for LSA through long-term planning. 

International Lab Freezer Challenge

This friendly international competition is designed to promote best practices in cold storage management.  This challenge is run by My Green Labs and the International Institute for Sustainable Laboratories and U-M will be running a campus-specific challenge between labs on campus.  Why should you participate? Reduce your lab’s carbon footprint, proper cold storage techniques can help avoid potential future failures, reduce the cost of maintenance, free up space for new samples, and the chance to win a pizza party!  The competition opened on January 1st but you have until the end of June to participate.

Campus Race to Zero Waste

Run by the National Wildlife Federation, the Campus Race to Zero Waste is a North American competition between different higher education institutions that runs from January 28th until March 23rd.  The goal of the program is to increase recycling and composting while encouraging the reduction of consumption, food waste, and single-use plastics.  Each LSA building will have its waste streams measured and scored based on its diversion rate and waste reduction rate.  

LSA Resources

Winter 2024 Sustainability Course List

The Year of Sustainability team has compiled a list of courses with a sustainability focus that LSA students can take.  You can view this on our website under the Courses tab or on this Atlas spotlight.

Sustainability in LSA Buildings

Wondering what your building is up to?  Take a look at our LSA Buildings page to learn about building energy consumption, operations, research, featured courses, and a fun fact!

Climate Diaries

These are stories written for, about, and by the LSA community on their experiences in our changing climate.  Check out the first edition of stories written by Cherish Dean.

A message from Dean Curzan

By stejenna

Jenna Steele is the Year of Sustainability and Carbon Neutrality Program Assistant for U-M College of Literature, Science, and the Arts.