- Triple pane glass
- Occupancy sensing HVAC and lighting
- Daylighting strategies and LED lights
- Landscaping that contains native and drought-tolerant plants
- Low-flow water fixtures
- Low VOC paints
- Locally sourced building materials (within 500 miles of the project site) with 10% of the total building material made of recycled content
- Underground infiltration pipe system to collect runoff from the roof
- 52% of the onsite generated waste was diverted from the landfill
- FY23 building energy consumption information from https://ocs.umich.edu/resources/sustainability-data/individual-building/ ↩︎
- Building operations information from https://umaec.umich.edu/ProjectSustainability/sustainabilityP00011569.pdf ↩︎
- Research information from https://graham.umich.edu/experts ↩︎